Thursday, March 30, 2017


A time for Decision

There comes a time for each of us when we must decide upon the future direction of our lives. Perhaps up to this time of decision we have lived a life of some usefulness, but for many this critical decision must be faced, because in spite of all our past efforts we see no meaning to the future unless we take ourselves firmly in hand and decide that our future must have a new purpose. Much of our past has failed us; we need to rededicate ourselves completely to a new way ahead, leaving aside all those things that are unworthy and have held us in bondage to our material way of thinking.

Knowledge of all kinds is so easily available to us today that we often lose sight of the need to apply it to some worthwhile purpose. We can be well versed in all kinds of knowledge yet our lives may appear to lack a satisfying purpose and direction. This is a time of testing and a time for decision. The soul within has given us a sign, and we can no longer be truly satisfied with our former way of life. Something dynamic must be aroused within us to carry us forward into a life of real meaning and usefulness, one of real satisfaction wherein we have at last found our path to attainment and service.

Looking Within

The world in which we live can give us little encouragement. We are therefore driven inward to the wise silence of the soul, where lie all the solutions to our difficulties and the answer to our needs. It is within where we must look for the new direction in our lives. The soul seeks to guide our path ahead and it will provide all the encouragement and knowledge we need if we decide to live life more purposefully in the future.

Many of our old values will gradually fall away, and we can look to greater and higher values in the future. Everything within us must become gradually attuned and reoriented towards the higher and finer things of life, but such adjustment cannot come by merely thinking about it. Life is a matter of experiences; once we aspire to advance in mystical and spiritual understanding, we evoke those experiences which will reveal the truth of life to us, but this happens only when the voice of the outer personality acknowledges the wisdom of the inner self and all it can do for us.

Once we set our hearts upon inner development, we are often beset by opposition and problems. Those who have difficulty resolving these problems believe that love will conquer all. However, they soon realize that until they develop a courageous spirit they will not have the strength to combat the opposition of circumstances which faces each of us on this higher path.

We must be ever mindful that the forces of opposition will endeavour to thwart our progress, and many retreat from these inner difficulties and return to the safety of the masses. But the Mystical way to the highest evolution of consciousness requires that we step out from the crowd in order to ascend – and spiritual courage is the one quality which makes that step possible. We need spiritual love for a wise perspective in life, but only spiritual courage and a determined will can carry us forward.

Therefore, once we make the decision to move onward and upward in our spiritual quest, the host of cosmic forces will consciously assist our progress. We can be sure that our service to mankind will prove to be the stepping stone to the highest attainment in the mystical life. With a determined and courageous spirit, we can face and overcome our daily difficulties and meet our problems as a challenge to life’s greatest attainment. Let us then resolve to use each day as our greatest opportunity to take another step towards our idea, knowing that each step receives the blessing and encouragement of the God of our Hearts.

By Robert E. Daniels

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