Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Science and Spirituality

"Uniting science and spirituality has a very practical purpose. Science without spirituality can easily lose the ethical, moral and values-based perspective.

Scientists without the guidance of spirituality can engage in the invention of nuclear bombs and other weapons of war, genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, factory farming where animals are reared in cruel conditions, and technologies that create waste, pollution and the destruction of Nature.

Science without the guidance of spiritual values has created many of the problems the world faces today. Science by itself is not benign, value-free or neutral.

Therefore, science needs the helping hand of spiritual wisdom in order to maintain its integrity and modify its power. Without spiritual wisdom, science can be dangerous. Spirituality gives meaning, value and purpose to science.

As science needs spirituality, spirituality needs science. Without science, spirituality can easily and quickly turn into blind faith, dogmatism, sectarianism, and fundamentalism.

Unscientifically minded people may claim, “My god is the only true god and I have the truth. Everybody must be converted to my truth.” Such narrow religious exclusivity has led to wars, conflicts, terrorism and divisions.

Science helps to keep our minds open so we can seek truth and act for the benefit of the whole of humanity and for the good of all living beings, human, and other-than-human.

Do we want to live in a fragmented way, either as materialists discarding the subjective dimension of spiritual wisdom or as spiritual seekers denigrating the objective world of scientific discovery?

The choice is ours. I choose to embrace spirituality with a scientific mind. For me, science and spirituality are complementary parts of the whole."

~Satish Kumar

Monday, October 11, 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Ecological Consciousness

Something worth thinking about.

There is no part of "you" or "me" that is not also a part of the Cosmos, an expression of Universal Creativity. We are ALL part of the Regenerative mosaic of Life, the interplay of earth, water, fire and air...

Every atom of your body flows into you from outside of "you." We are each a unique creative expression of Nature & the Universe. There is no "other."

The great sickness of modern civilization is living in ignorance of this Truth, thinking we are somehow separate from Nature and the Great Mystery that generates these magical fields of space and time.

Humans have the power to dominate, enslave and abandon each other, yet Nature has never dominated, enslaved or abandoned us. The Earth has never asked us for anything. She just gives and gives and gives and gives...

To live in forgetfulness of this TRUTH is to live in ignorance. And out of this ignorance we sow the seeds of our own destruction. We have forgotten that we need the waters, forests and living landscapes of Nature to be healthy, to thrive, but she does not need us.

From the structure of our mother's wombs to the design of our cells, hearts and lungs, Mother Earth gives us life, nurtures us with each breath. She is in truth our deepest identity, our closest relation, true community, our only home...

- Christopher Chase

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Friday, July 23, 2021

This Mind of Ours

"What is this mind of ours: what are these atoms with consciousness? To note that the thing I call my individuality is only a pattern or dance, that is what it means when one discovers how long it takes for the atoms of the brian to be replaced by other atoms. The atoms come into my brain, dance a dance, and then go out - there are always new atoms, but always doing the same dance, remembering what the dance was yesterday." - Richard P Feynman

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Dao / Tao

The following spiritual quotes and images are not mine. They are from friends' Whatsapp messages and Facebook pages. Please refer to the right hand side of the page for related Spiritual topics.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Everything is Vibration

I can't remember where I came across this message. Probably from one of the Facebook pages I am following.


Everything is vibration. Science and Mysticism agree that we live in a vibrational Universe. That we are indeed vibrational beings.

Esoteric spiritual traditions refer to the primordial Light, or “akasha”— the “everything-ness” out of which we are all made. This Universal Energy Field is a sea of vibration that permeates and connects everything in Oneness.

Modern science confirms this concept. Physicists conceive of the Universe as a great ocean of pulsing, vibrating electromagnetic energy.

Our physical senses may tell us we are surrounded by many separate things, but in fact there is only one thing, which is the sea of vibration which underpins and connects all of us.

The only reason that this “unified field” of universal energy appears, to our human minds, to be a whole bunch of separate things, is because of the limitation of our physical senses.

We experience a very tiny range of vibrational frequencies, and there is very, very much in this Universe which falls outside of this range. Consider the chair you’re sitting on. It seems to be solid, but really, it is made up of atoms, which when viewed under a microscope, are mostly empty space.

The chair seems motionless, too, but it is really a rhythmic pulsation of whirling forces, a dance of electrons. Regardless of however it may appear to our limited senses, the true reality is that we are sitting on mostly emptiness. We are sitting on an electrical current which appears solid.

Our five senses of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell provide only a very small window of perception into the true reality. If our senses were augmented ever so little, we can behold far more of this wondrous universal field.

Buddha had remarked that transcendental intelligence arises when we transcend our mind and the limitations imposed upon us by our senses. In fact, all Mystics have come to the same conclusion.

That we can access and perceive higher realms of consciousness, by transcending our senses which we can be accomplished through various meditative and yogic practices. It’s quite clear, universe and everything which it encompasses, is purely a vibratory energy manifesting itself in different ways.

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Monday, April 26, 2021

Spiritual - Quotes

I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances within our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive. - Joseph Campbell 

Saturday, April 10, 2021


This is the reason why I respect Buddhism, and also why I embrace Buddhism. However, I embrace Buddhism as A Way of Life, a philosophy, not as a religion. After all, Buddhism is the Teachings of the Buddha, or The Enlightened one. The teachings are pure and simple, and yet very profound. Study the teachings, and you will understand more about life.

Sunday, April 4, 2021


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Wednesday, March 10, 2021


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If you like to read about Life, Humour, and Quotes, you can pop over to This Wonder-ful Life
