Friday, February 24, 2017


Karma is one of those topics that many people know a little about, but it is often more complex than most people realize. The second law of thermodynamics is that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. On the universal scale, this is the law of karma. The law of karma basically states that every action has a reaction and whatever you do to others will later return to you, either in this life or a future life. Furthermore, ignorance of the law is no excuse. We are still accountable for everything we do, regardless of whether we understand it or not. We cannot escape it, even if we do not believe it. Therefore, the best thing is to learn how it works. If everyone understood the law of karma, we would all be living a happier life in a brighter world. - Stephen Knapp

Something of the feeling expressed by the poet is experienced by every soul when it first realizes the depth and grandeur involved in the idea of Karma, or the law of Cause and Effect; for this is all that Karma is – the law, or the truth (law and truth are synonyms in nature) that each cause is inevitably followed by its appropriate effect. Our very familiarity with this law has blinded us to its majesty; we lightly assign it as an explanation for the most inscrutable mysteries, because it is such an absolutely necessary corollary to all we conceive of life or nature, without recognizing that it itself is beyond all comprehension. Yet it contains the beginning and the end of all philosophical speculation; it demonstrates a causal relation between the Infinite and the finite, for Karma is that Infinite Power which adjusts each effect to its originating cause. - Jerome A. Anderson

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