Wednesday, May 29, 2024


I started out on my spiritual journey in my mid-twenties when common sense and logic told me that the God people believe in couldn’t exist. I believe there is a higher ‘Order’ in the scheme of things. This order is ‘Dependent Origination’. It is this ‘Order’ that things come into being and non-being. This ‘Order’ is responsible for maintaining the equilibrium, keeping the universe together, keeping it going with its own laws.

Image taken from the internet

Just as in learning to swim or in learning a language, often toiling on with no apparent result, there comes a day when suddenly we realize we can do it, - how we know we know not; so it is in spiritual matters. - Forbes Robinson

When we pay attention, whatever we are doing… is transformed and becomes a part of our spiritual path. We begin to notice details and textures that we never noticed before’ everyday life becomes clearer, sharper, and at the same time more spacious. - Rick Fields

There simply is nothing to which we can attach ourselves, no matter how hard we try. In time, things will change and the conditions that produced our current desires will be gone. Why then cling to them now? - Master Hsing Yun


Wishing you a pleasant experience on your spiritual journey.

Namaste 🙏

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You might also like to have a look at my other blog - This Wonder-ful Life


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