Thursday, September 21, 2017


Mind, body and spirit - they are all intricately linked and each must be nurtured and supported if we wish to attain or maintain our whole self in the best possible state of health. This more or less sums up the meaning of the term “Holistic Healing’. - Unknown

If you see yourself in the correct way, you are all as much extraordinary phenomena of nature as trees, clouds, the patterns in the running water, the flickering of fire, the arrangement of the stars, and the form of a galaxy. You are all just like that. - Alan Watts

Life has left her footprints on my forehead. But I have become a child again this morning. The smile, seen through leaves and flowers, is back to smooth away the wrinkles, as the rains wipe away footprints on the beach. Again, a cycle of birth and death begins. - Thich Nhat Hanh

Light, like circulating blood, which returns to the heart, is supposed to return to the sun, after having performed the functions for which it was emitted from that body; even so will the soul, our intellectual light, return to its Divine Source, when released from the body, to whose earthly purpose it has administered. - Chatfield

There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. - C. G. Jung

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