Tuesday, October 18, 2016


The will is the commander of chi. Chi is the totality of the body. - Mencius


Our will power can control the flow of energy. When we think of a certain organ or area of our body, energy will flow to that part. Energy is the basic ingredient of our whole body. All our organs, tissues and cells as well as all our physiological functions and metal activities are the products of energy.

Man is born of the chi of heaven and of earth, and is nurtured by the ways of the four seasons. - Nei Jing


The very substance of which a man is born is the same as the substance that comprises the whole universe, that is energy. This energy may be manifested as different kinds, which are generalized into two main groups. The fine types are known as heaven energy, and the coarser types as earth energy. This energy, which is in man as well as in the whole universe, is not static. It is forever changing, and the changes can be brought about by different times and environments. The growth and development of a man, therefore, are affected by the seasons, which include not only climatic but also subtle psychological, physiological and other variations.

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