Monday, March 3, 2025


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When wisdom awakens within you, you will see Truth wherever you look. Truth is all there is. It's like when you've learned how to read – you can then read anywhere you go. - Ajahn Chah

Language is limited. It cannot be used to express colour to the blind nor sound to the deaf and cannot be used to express truth. Truth, being above the limitations of language, can only be expressed symbolically or by analogy, and the comprehension of truth so expressed is relative to the understanding of the recipient. - Henry N. Gerguson

A king asked a sage to explain the Truth. In response the sage asked the king how he would convey the taste of a mango to someone who had never eaten anything sweet. No matter how hard the king tried, he could not adequately describe the flavour of the fruit, and, in frustration, he demanded of the sage "Tell me then, how would you describe it?" The sage picked up a mango and handed it to the king saying "This is very sweet. Try eating it!"


Wishing you a pleasant experience on your spiritual journey.

Namaste 🙏

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