Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Bible

How many people read the entire Bible? And can one seriously believe in the Bible after having read it thoroughly? I think anyone with a brain having read the bible would cast the book aside and never believe a word it said.
Image from the internet

The Bible begins with two accounts of Genesis that conflict with each other, and it ends with four accounts of Jesus that conflict with each other. This book has been compiled and changed by numerous hands. The Bible is utterly inconsistent and nonsensical in innumerable places. The author must have a truly warped view of reality to see that as “fitting perfectly into place.” And, if God’s work in creation is so Great, why does it need redemption? Why does God make such an imperfect creation that needs saving, and how can this be called ‘Great?’ The whole plot – God makes a rotten creation that needs saving, so he sends his only-begotten and much-beloved son to be viciously crucified – is grotesque. What kind of almighty creator chooses this as his Creation? - M. Murdock


Wishing you a pleasant experience on your spiritual journey.

Namaste 🙏

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