Friday, August 25, 2017

The Mind

Until you learn to discipline your mind and have complete control over it, you will be expressly limited in your capacity to exercise faith. The full power of the mind is only realized when it is specifically focused and directed to a specific end. If you allow your mind to dwell randomly on incidental or mundane preoccupations, you will be limited in your ability to draw on the power of faith and your mind will not be a source of power for you. You will discover, however, that as you attempt to control and focus your mind, the devil will bring things to your view to distract you. When you can control your mind and not allow it to be distracted, you will be able to exercise unlimited faith and unlock the powers of heaven by your faith. - Grant von Harrison

It's a matter of seeing the original meaning of all things. The world is full of all kinds of meanings. But our minds are so fettered by the lies and falsehoods they make for themselves, that they cannot see the beauty, goodness, or truth of those meanings. Only a mind that has become free can see such things, and that seeing is also a making. Because what exists, if no one can see it, might just as well not exist at all, but if seeing comes, non-being is turned into utter being. - Yi Mun-yol

Consider the core of the mind to be a wagon, with will-power to be carried about in it. Push it to a place where there can be failure, and there will be failure. Push it to a place where there can be success, and there will be success. But whether there is success or failure, if one entrusts himself to the straightness of this wagon of the core of the mind, he will attain right-mindedness in either case. Severing oneself from desire and being like a rock or tree, nothing will ever be achieved. Not departing from desire, but realizing a desireless right-mindedness - this is the Way. - Takuan Soho

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