I can't remember where I came across this message. Probably from one of the Facebook pages I am following.
Everything is vibration. Science and Mysticism agree that we live in a vibrational Universe. That we are indeed vibrational beings.
Esoteric spiritual traditions refer to the primordial Light, or “akasha”— the “everything-ness” out of which we are all made. This Universal Energy Field is a sea of vibration that permeates and connects everything in Oneness.
Modern science confirms this concept. Physicists conceive of the Universe as a great ocean of pulsing, vibrating electromagnetic energy.
Our physical senses may tell us we are surrounded by many separate things, but in fact there is only one thing, which is the sea of vibration which underpins and connects all of us.
The only reason that this “unified field” of universal energy appears, to our human minds, to be a whole bunch of separate things, is because of the limitation of our physical senses.
We experience a very tiny range of vibrational frequencies, and there is very, very much in this Universe which falls outside of this range. Consider the chair you’re sitting on. It seems to be solid, but really, it is made up of atoms, which when viewed under a microscope, are mostly empty space.
The chair seems motionless, too, but it is really a rhythmic pulsation of whirling forces, a dance of electrons. Regardless of however it may appear to our limited senses, the true reality is that we are sitting on mostly emptiness. We are sitting on an electrical current which appears solid.
Our five senses of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell provide only a very small window of perception into the true reality. If our senses were augmented ever so little, we can behold far more of this wondrous universal field.
Buddha had remarked that transcendental intelligence arises when we transcend our mind and the limitations imposed upon us by our senses. In fact, all Mystics have come to the same conclusion.
That we can access and perceive higher realms of consciousness, by transcending our senses which we can be accomplished through various meditative and yogic practices. It’s quite clear, universe and everything which it encompasses, is purely a vibratory energy manifesting itself in different ways.
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